Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Day 1 - Self Portrait

So... I've got a new camera. It's very pretty! Cost a fortune so I'm quite in love with it and plan on keeping it for a long time!!

My dad thought before I get it that I should go on a course of some type... well I spent a day wandering around taking pictures with my lovely friend Kate's help, so I'm taking that as "been on a course" :)

One of her favourite mottoes is: "All the gear, no idea". Well I'm hoping not to be like that and have been annoying everyone today by taking loads of pictures of them (not sorry) and I plan to completely pester Kate with loads of questions over the coming months (am sorry!).

However, sometimes daddy dearest is right (note: SOMETIMES) so I've decided to get to know my camera and try out a few different techniques and stuff by following one of the "30 Day Photo Challenge" lists found on Pinterest. This is it! Hopefully my pictures will get better by day 30!!

Day 1:

Firstly, should probably introduce my lovely camera!

I know.... sexy, right?


Today's challenge is: Self-Portrait.

I looked at loads of different 30/31 day challenges and all of them start off with a bloody self portrait. I've got a really cool camera and first task is to take a selfie. Bugger.

So here's my attempt, I got creative!

Yeah I know. It's a crap picture... but I really hate pictures of me, and I'm even worse at Selfies! Tomorrow will be better I promise!! :)

Tomorrow's theme: Rule of Thirds.

N.B. The inspiration behind this project is definitely Pinterest. I have decided, however, to follow this particular 30 day challenge:

Click on the pic, it will take you to his blog! :)